The presence of God was tangible in Let There Be Peace International Ministry as the church joined once again for a glorious Sunday service on the 22nd of September 2024.
The members entered with open hearts, expecting their breakthrough to come to pass. Our intercessor, Mr. Vikesh Maharaj, led us in warfare prayer breaking every chain that is holding us back and asking God to make our enemies fall into the traps they have laid out for us.
With the atmosphere now charged for Jesus, our dynamic worship team began to lead us into energized praise (My redeemer lives), (All things are possible) and blessed worship (I speak Jesus) and (My worship).
The Man of God, Healing Evangelist JK. Fenuku began the sermon by saying this: “The Bible says that we have been anointed to heal the sick, bless the poor and set the captives free. If the Bible says you are anointed, why are you saying that you are poor, sick and disappointed?” You, the leader, are behaving as if you are the follower. Stop confessing a negative lifestyle upon yourself because you have the power to change that.
The Man of God continued by using a doctor’s prescription as an analogy. When we are sick and visit the doctor, we get a prescription of the medication that we need to take but because of the amount of faith we have in that prescription, that the medication will heal us, we become healed before even taking any medication. God also gives us a prescription and that is His Holy word, the Bible, so why don’t we put that same faith into His Word? That way we can receive that which is promised to us in the Bible.
As we dug deeper into this message we turned to scripture (Proverbs 4 vs 20-22). Do you ever give attention to God’s word? The truth is we may read it but we don’t attend to what it is truly saying. Whereas when we visit the doctor, we give them all our attention and focus. While in the waiting area we cannot wait for our turn and even get upset when other people are allowed in before us, however when it comes to God we do not have that same mentality. We do not long for him in that same way.
God will not honour what He did not say to us in His word but if He did say it He will surely honour it. We do not receive it because we don’t take the Word of God seriously. God tells us to keep His word in the midst of our hearts. We should always be meditating on and living according to His word. When the Bible says His word is life it does not mean as in being alive but it means His word is our blessings, healing, deliverance and breakthrough. All that we need can be found through the word of God.
The more you focus on your problems the more you are helping the devil to tighten that door to your breakthrough but the more you focus on God and what He wants you to see the more you help God open that door. Who are you helping? Some people in your life are like anchor’s pulling you down. When you love someone so much and that person is pulling you down, you refuse to let go of those people and because of that we don’t receive what we were supposed to have received.
The Man of God went on by making an example out of the woman with the issue of blood. She had asked herself a big question, “Do I have to go through this?” She didn’t care if people laughed at her, as long as God saw her. We need to be able to have that same mentality in order for God to change our lives as well and set us free. The mockery of people lasts but for a moment but God’s favour upon your life will endure forever if you just set your mind upon Him. Let nothing stop you, stand face to face with Jesus and tell him that you will not leave Him until he blesses, heals and sets you free.
In this world there will surely be limitation, disappointed and failure but there is a way out and the way out is through God. All men fall but only the strong ones get back up and the strongest ones go to the highest level, whereas the lazy ones just manage with what they have. What category do you fall in? Never you undermine the authority you have.
Lord Jesus, I am innocent of my birth but you are not innocent. Whatever you have written about me, bring it to pass. The blessing, the healing, the deliverance, Bring it to pass!
In the name of Jesus, I call my blessing, I call my healing, I call my deliverance, begin to have being!
That power of deliverance begin to fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus. I am walking away from poverty, failure, setback, stagnation!
You sickness, poverty, failure, disappointment I command you out in the name of Jesus!