It was another momentous time for the people as they gathered in God’s presence. The worship team took over and first was praise sing “we are Chosen generation” and continued with the Worship song “Pray to the Father”
The man of God started by asking the beautiful of God, what is the level of your maturity?
1 Corinthians 13vs10-11
Your age does not determine your maturity. When we come to Christ we need stop behaving like we are children still in the world because when we were in the world we spoke nothing good and saw nothing good around us or our families. When you are mature in Christ we see things the way God sees them. Stand your ground regardless of what people say, see blessings in failure!
Mass prayer point
In the name of Jesus, I break my own will, by the blood of Jesus let my own will be broken
As we can see the manifestations of the evil spirit.