Evangelist Pearl Fenuku lead us into an uplifting intercession.

We need a free Spirit.

Be an attitude of prayer even on the way to church.

As we are setting up we should be busy praying.

Let the power of the holy Spirit impact this place.

We are involving God in our situation.

Are we in the realm of prayer or you still yourself in the flesh.

When you call the name Jesus but you not in the realm nothing happens you will hear people will hear but Jesus will not hear.

Don’t be sensitive to problems be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

There is no way offense will not come.

Jesus told us this so we must prepare.

People will always talk who do you choose to listen to on that day.

Choose Jesus no matter what people are saying.

Do I choose offense or do I choose Jesus.

More deadly when you take offense.

Fruit of offense is hatred, jealously – bitterness.

Are you in the attitude of prayer?

Reconcile your heart to Jesus.

When you offended you hurt yourself and imprison yourself Satan is waiting for this.

He is not stupid he will bring what will impact you so much.

A lady did not speak to her for 1 year – try to greet her then she started laughing at it.

Bianca needed help no one can help her – I said I am available I will help you this was my chance to be her friend.

Look for something that will make someone reconcile.

Be in a place where they can not get to you.

In town preaching – man insulted her – her spirit was not down – she thought that he said that she was beautiful so she thanked him – till her friend told her what he actually said

Grow – offense means you refuse to grow

Pass the test to higher


Thank Him for keeping you through a challenging week

Jesus did it you are just a vessel – we can do nothing without him we have no power to do anything without him

Thank and appreciate Him for safe travelling for marriage for children and jobs – thank and appreciate Him

With all your heart

For the gift of Life

We are helpless without Him

Bless His name

Pray and let go of offense

Its not worth it let go it will destroy you

Choose Jesus – Let go

Do not change because of your circumstances

If you move away from Jesus who will helkp you in your life

He is faithful

Position your heart now

Lord Iet Go of any offense of any hurt of any bitterness of ant unforgiveness that I have against anyone Lord Jesus I choose you today help me Lord to forgive and let go of all this

Help me Lord to let go of any situation in my life only you can

Theres nothing Jesus can not do

Ask forgiuvness for cursing God when you do He cannot move

Lord Jesus forgive me I have said hurtful things to people I have hurt others

The enemy will make you focus on what people have done to you making you forget your importance as a Christian

Pray open your heart open your mouth

Lord Jesus anything negative thing I have said with my mouth against myself family children an situation I cancel every evil word that I have spoken I cancel every evil I spoken with my mouth to curse myself

I command those word to be useless

Be flushed out – you negative thought that are destroying my life be flushed out

Lord Jesus I cancel those evil words that the enemy is using to cage me my marriage my life my family

I break free from that cage

Cage of offense bitterness unforgiveness

Spirit be released be free

That prison the enemy has used to imprison my spirit my marriage my family my child my finances my job my career, I command that prison right now be opened be opened

You prison door be opened

In the name of Jesus

I command that cage that the enemy has caged me my family my health my finances I command that cage right now be broken – spiritually and physically I break free now

Those prison doors I command theme to be opened

My life come out from the prison

My health come out from the prison

My family come out from the prison

My finances come out from that prison

In thename of Jesus |In the blood of Jesus

Lord Jesus what ever the enemy has stolen from me and my family my children my finances my career my job I retrieve back now

I take it back in the name of Jesus

I take back my marriage

I take back my health

I take back my family from the hands of the enemy

In the name of Jesus Christ

I declare my family is free my finances free now there is a breakthrough in my life

My children my home is free now

I cover myself with the blood of Jesus

I cover my health with the blood of Jesus

I cover my family

I cover my compound with the Blood of Jesus

I cover my finances with blood of Jesus

I cover my marriage with the blood of Jesus

Let the Blood of Jesus take control of my life, begin to have his way in my life

The blood of Jesus repeated

Take over now

Pray over the servant of God as he comes to minister to us

Let it be Gods way or no way

Holy Spirit touch everything concerning LTBPIM right now

Cover servant of God with the Blood of Jesus

Let the blood of Jesus take over

Thank God for what He has done already with all your heart

For setting us free

Thank you Jesus

Thank you Holy Spirit

We Love You Lord

Stay in an attitude of prayer let the word be inside of you so when the man of God brings the word


Bethany and Nikita started our praise of with Speak a Mighty Blessing then lead us into worship with a beautiful worship song Still…. what an awesome time of Praise and Worship

Put your trust in God know that He is there he sees everything He knows everything

Guitarists Kerwin and Matheo, Drummers Jairus and Farhan, Pianist Azaria led us in a mighty way this morning

Nikita lead us into deep worship with You are Yahweh…. Alpha and Omega


10:05 am Evangelist JK Fenuku entered our service with a mightily charged atmosphere

Pastor lead us in a song I want more of you Jesus, the more I know I you the more I want to you know you Jesus…. more of you!

Lord Jesus we are in your presence Lord restore each and every family business careers marriages health let them be restored in finances

Liver kidney be restored

Be restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Thank you Jesus for your Restoration Power

Before we have a seat can we all come together

Let’s know that we cannot worship God by screaming and shouting

Enter presence of God with silent prayer that becomes His presence

We scream when we are born again the first time but when we enter His presence we don’t need to scream anymore

Who prayed for each other this morning?

Book of Job

God did not restored God for some time only then when he began to pray for his friend then God restored him

He said he was tired of praying for himself

spend time praying for one another

When families fight each other they use the Bible as a weapon they speak about the Holy Spirit in vain

The voice of the Holy spirit brings as extraordinary peace and Joy that you cannot explain

God will not speak to you and you remain the same

Even if God says that people are doing bad to you it will still be good

God never speak to you and your life character never change

Unless you or mother wife or husband speaks to you

The voice of the Holy spirit – the Lord himself doesn’t have a sound – it will calm and change you

No matter what you are going through when you hear the voice of God you will come through \

You have peace in your heart when you hear the voice of God

You won’t hear the voice of God and still want to fight

The voice of God brings an environment of peace

Voice of the enemy brings chaos

You can the most precious thing in the planet when God says give to the someone on the road you cannot deny it the power in the God of God changes everything it doesn’t matter what God says it’s the power that comes out

When we are fighting stop saying the Lord spoke to you – stop talking nonsense

Terence knows his car – when he gives his car to you but you do what he told not to do you will face a big problem

He knows what to take from us for us to listen to him

If he did not speak to you be careful you will be deceiving yourself


2 Timothy 2 vs15

The man of God started by saying, we know this scripture very well

Study to show yourself approved to GOD!!! Not to anyone else around you —- only to GOD

We always read the scripture without mentioning “to GOD”

If God approve you man will approve you – if he didn’t approve your no one will approve you

If God approve you and they leave you they will still come back to you

Many people are living fake lives of photocopy

Hard to see someone taking video of bad circumstances they will do it in a nice place

Many dress like celebrities dress you are leaving yourself copying someone

We want to move from weak faith to strong faith without the cost of study

All the answers in the word of God

Lack of studying the word of God brings hatred suicide hatred distraction.

Romans 10vs 17 Study the word of God

You cannot be approved by God without the Study of the Word of God but you can be approved by man

Word of God is spirit taking care of things that we cannot take care of

Romans 10vs 17 so then faith comes by hearing – the word of God

Forgiveness and love comes by the hearing of God

Bitterness runs away from hearing the word of God

Romans 10vs13 to 16

Call on the name of the Lord shall be saved – promise and guarantee

How can we hear without a Preacher?

Do we have a preacher?

How can they call in who they have not believed? It is impossible it will never happen

How shall they believe in him who they have not heard? Is it possible – how will we hear Him? Study

How shall they fear without a preacher? Do you have a preacher?

How shall they preach unless they are sent, how will they believe? Those who lack belief fail to study the word of God

One of our sisters – carer for Resha – Pastor asked who can repeat the prayer

If we prayed it not believing or meaning how can it be established

Pastors prayer is for us to be blessed and protected

Don’t say amen if you don’t believe or mean it

What is enough for us to believe

God has done so much in the church already 

Young people are too full of themselves

Our sister is confirmation the prayer point that was given to Pastor this morning

There is no life that God cannot change

Whatever God wants to achieve He will do it!

We can only love God who is a Spirit when we love others

Started a new journey.


In the name of Jesus every spirit assigned to steal from me I command you out

You spirit your demon assigned to steal my joy to steal my peace right now I command you out

Every spirit assigned to steal from you command him out

Every spirit assigned to steal my health -out!!!

Command them out in the name of Jesus