This Sunday, the 30th June 2024, brought the month of victory to a close with endless testimonies of praises to the Most High God, the God, of Let There Be Peace International Ministry. Our intercessor Mrs Fatima led the overjoyed congregants in prayer, rebuking every evil smoke blinding us, every evil word spoken against us, and every evil chain to be broken in the mighty name of Jesus.

As the Holy Spirit continued to work in the hearts of His people, our Dynamic Worship Team broke out in jubilant praises (You are good), (You are able), and (This is how we overcome), followed by the most heavenly Worship (Saturate me in your anointing), and (My soul says yes).

The presence of God was overwhelming as the Man of God began to declare that the new month of July is going to be a month of “Divine Speed”. It was a heart to heart word from the throne room of God, delivered with power through the anointed Man of God. “We have to have a heart of gratitude towards God at all times, because He has accomplished for us what we ourselves cannot do.” said the Man of God. Do not be lazy about thanking God, but thank Him for what He has already done, is still doing, and is about to do in your life. When the Israelites were standing between the Red Sea and their enemies, the Egyptians, God asked them to move forward and step into the sea. Moses’ action of faith caused him to step into the sea that the Israelites were afraid of. Those who had faith stepped in, and those who lacked faith hesitated and considered other factors.

A powerful message was about to unfold as we took our scripture reading (Matthew 14:23-31). The Man of God began to say, “Many today are dying in front of Jesus. Many are in sickness and poverty with Jesus standing right in front of them, and yet they are going through things that they were not supposed to go through.” Peter looked at the waves and began to sink, as fear entered his heart. This same message that we have heard many times before, preached by many men of God, and yet we have never heard it like this before, as the Spirit of God began to speak through Healing Evangelist JK Fenuku.

The Man of God continued to say, the same water that was holding Peter, could not hold him anymore when he allowed fear to touch his heart. Standing right in front of Jesus, Peter began to sink, and Jesus asked him, “Why did you doubt?” Why are you looking at your problem? Jesus was standing on the same water that Peter was sinking in, when He pulled Peter out…Wow! How powerful to know, that just as Jesus is victorious, and just as Jesus defies logic, so can we who trust in Him and have immovable faith in Him. Faith jumps and responds with enthusiasm, but fear hesitates and needs to reconsider factors that do not work with God. The Man of God asked, “Why do you, like Peter, look at Jesus as though He will not be able to rescue you? We are not people who look for pity parties.” Peter stepped onto the water in the midst of the storm.

The difference with him standing on the water, and him beginning to sink, is that his eyes were on Jesus when he stood on the water but he began to sink when he took his focus off the Master. What are you focusing on, what are you meditating on, what have you been telling yourself? Focus on what God has told you. God has said something about you that you need to hold onto with faith. Stop reconsidering things and just do what God has told you to do, and you will see the result eventually. The Man of God continued to say, Children of God do not try God. We do not try things, but we do the things!!! Anytime we allow fear to hold our hearts, Jesus is no longer there, and you will surely drown. That fear is the mountain of ignorance that keeps you from moving forward. It is ignorance to the word of God. Ask yourself, why are other Christians prospering, but I am not? What are they doing that I am not doing? What am I doing wrong? Begin to check yourself and your relationship with Jesus.

Our Man of God began to teach us a secret, he said, “The Holy Spirit works separately in each person’s life. One believer can move forward in the spirit, whilst another believer can quench their own spirit and become sick and die in front of Jesus, due to ignorance to the word of God. You can stop your own spirit from doing what it needs to do, but you do not have the power to stop someone else’s spirit.” That is the difference between faith and the lack of faith.

Always remember that, without faith it is impossible to please God. When you see that God has begun to do things in your life, blessing, deliverance, restoration, then you too begin to do the more for God. Do not slow down. Do not become lazy and complacent in your walk with Jesus. Don’t allow your spirit man to die. Stop reconsidering you’re healing and deliverance because doubt will take you back to what God has taken you out of. Your spirit should be more attractive, more vibrant, and more nourished than your physical body. Keep your spirit nourished and well fed by feeding on the word of God, and kick out doubt and fear. Keep your attention on the Master at all times.

As he came to a close, the Man of God left this resounding word in our hearts, “Never drown whilst in the presence of Jesus!” Amen.


In the name of Jesus, every evil handwriting against my life be wiped away by the blood of Jesus. Amen