As another blessed Sunday comes around, the congregation of Let There Be Peace International Ministry gathers together in the name of Jesus Christ on November 17th 2024, every heart eager to dwell in his presence.

Our intercessor, Mr. Jarus Naidoo, led us in a mighty prayer where we asked the light of God to remove every darkness in our lives and commanding every gathering against us to be broken in the mighty name of Jesus.

After we prayed against the enemy in one accord, our Dynamic Worship Team began to lead us in praises of declaration (I speak a mighty blessing) and surrendering worship (Nothing without you). 

“It is time to declare war on the devil’s war!” as the Man of God, Healing Evangelist JK. Fenuku, entered he encouraged the congregation with powerful words. It is time for us to let go of that disappointment and failure because God is about to do something new in your life that the enemy cannot stop because God has written it with His blood. This year will not see the end of your life or family but you will see the end of this year! 

As the Man of God continued, he began to preach about atmosphere, saying, “You need to create an atmosphere where your faith can find food to eat.” What type of atmosphere are you in? You have to be able to create an atmosphere for your fruitfulness, deliverance and prosperity to manifest.

From today, do yourself a favour and forget about what you are going through because your problems are not bigger than you. The Man of God made an example of two business owners, the first being successful and the second just starting out. The first business owner had a lot of problems in the beginning but God eventually sent someone to help and advice that person. He then mastered that problem. The second business owner, having just opened their business, is going through the same problems that the first one went through. This problem is big for him because he has not faced this problem before. 

For the first owner the problem is not a problem, it is a task. That being said, what you are going through today is not a problem because someone has already gone through it before, so stop focusing on that situation and begin to trust that God is sending someone to help and advise you.

As we went on, we turned to scripture to hear from God’s word (Isaiah 54 vs 1-4). What you are seeing today is not permanent. God is saying that you have more than those who look like they have everything. He is telling us to keep singing unto Him through every situation so that all that He has for us will come forth.

You need to create an atmosphere that will attract God. Forget about your situation and change your atmosphere. When you do so, your blessings, healing, deliverance will break forth. What you are thinking is not what He is thinking so change your thinking! 

When you continue complaining you build a barrier around you that will continue to tighten as you complain and the only way to break through that barrier is to worship God. Break forth through singing unto Jesus, when you worship Him the God within you will scatter all those things surrounding you and will bring you to Him. Thereafter, he will ask you for your request. God is telling us not to fear through any situation and just turn to Him. He did not ask the healed or rich to sing but he asked the barren and poor.

We turned to the Bible again to see what the Lord said to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 18 vs 1-2).

When God spoke to Jeremiah, He told him to go down to the potter’s house. The secret message in what He said is this, “I cannot tell you in this environment because you will not be able to handle it here, you can only handle it from there.” But why couldn’t God speak to Jeremiah from where he already was? It is because He wanted him to change his atmosphere and thinking so that he can be able to receive what God had for him.

God already knew that Moses will have to cross the red sea. There was another opportunity that God could have led them through but He knew that if they went that way, they would have returned back, so trust in Him because he knows the best path for us. We cannot see the right path, only God can see it.

Now the question is, what do we use to change your atmosphere? We use our mouth. He said in His word that we need to worship Him. Sing, praise Jesus, jump for joy! God is about to do something wonderful so anytime you open the Bible, see the picture of what God is telling you.

Check your atmosphere and stop seeing your sickness or poverty and start to see you’re healing and blessings! Stop looking at your current situation and begin to look at a bright future. 

God is telling you that are sick to stay amongst those who are healthy and picture yourself healthy. You that are poor, stay amongst the wealthy and picture it. See it change your mind-set. Don’t be around people who add to your problem but be around people who have the solution to your problem and the transfer will begin to happen!


Every evil alter that is holding my blessing, healing, breakthrough and miracles I declare the fire of God upon them right now.

I declare that I will see the end of this year, this year will not see my end in the name of Jesus.

I open that door of breakthrough, healing and blessings and I am entering in right now.

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