The 28th April 2024 was an exceptionally amazing day at Let There Be Peace International Ministry, indeed a day to be remembered. The man of God greeted the congregation and our online viewers by exclaiming “Today is a different Sunday, a blessed day as we respond to the great commission of Jesus Christ”. He continued to say that as children of God we should not be likened to a television set that only receives signal, but cannot give out what it has received. We cannot sit in church week after week without going out into the community to give what we ourselves have received from Jesus.

(Luke 9:1), (Isaiah 61:1), and (Mark 16:19-20) set the tone for a power packed message as the Man of God, Healing Evangelist JK Fenuku began to expound on the referenced scriptures. He began to enlighten the congregation according to scripture, that the disciples that Jesus had called were given power and authority to go out and meet the needs of the people. He asked the congregants, “Did He call you?” And he said, whatever Jesus gave to the disciples, He is also giving to us.

Our dynamic worship team further elevated the expectancy of the church as they began to lead the congregation into prophetic worship with the songs (I speak Jesus) and (HALLELUJAH). With the keyboardist still echoing a melodious offering to the Most High, the Man of God continued to amplify the atmosphere as he encouraged the congregation that we are saved to save others, we are healed to heal others, and we are blessed to bless others.

The Messiah was expected to appear in grandeur, seated on a horse, but instead was found in a lowly manger. In the same way, the disciples that Jesus called were not celebrities or famous people, but they were fishermen, ordinary folk that were not recognized by men, but chosen by God. Jesus called them, trained, and empowered them and then He sent them out, and they received the same results as Jesus did. People knew that the disciples had been with Jesus because they could do what Jesus did. Wow… What a powerful statement. The man of God asked the church, will people recognize that you have been with Jesus or are you only receiving like a television set? He continued to teach us that it is our duty to go out as children of God, because we are co-workers with Christ. Whatever Jesus has taught the disciples, He is teaching us, and how He sent them, He is also sending us. It is our assignment to show to others the same love that Jesus showed us on the cross when His blood flowed to redeem and save us. The Man of God concluded the sermon by saying, Jesus led and worked with His disciples confirming the word He spoke to them, and He will work with us and confirm His word to us. The man of God then began to lead the church in prayer to further equip us for effective evangelism. He said “With the voice of Jesus, I command every garment of shame, every garment of disappointment, every garment of failure to be removed in the mighty name of Jesus”. Healing Evangelist JK Fenuku began to teach amidst the prayer that every good thing has a counterfeit, and that the enemy uses fake, counterfeit powers to cause us to struggle. He said, you cannot see that evil garment of failure. You can only fight what you can see. The church was amped by the revelation the Holy Spirit gave to man of God, as he continued to prompt us to command every evil garment of sickness and poverty to come out in Jesus name. There was a great release of power during the intensity of warfare prayer.

The Man of God culminated the session by speaking to both the congregants and our online viewers as he said the best English without the Spirit of God is useless. Google and academic knowledge has made us arrogant, but in truth, the spiritual controls the physical. He went on to say to our online viewers that their participation in our online service is not by mistake, but by divine appointment. It is the will of God for you to be connected to Let There Be Peace International Ministry, a ministry ordained by God Himself

Whatever God has called and whatever He has ordained, He will surely lead, provide, defend and protect. Hallelujah to His Name.


Command every evil garment to come out of your life.