The presence of God was tangible in Let There Be Peace International Ministry as the church joined once again to celebrate Jesus on 14th July 2024. Our intercessor, Mrs. Fathima Maharaj, electrified the atmosphere as she led us into our warfare prayer.

The church took dominion over the enemy as we commanded every obstruction in our path to be removed and every chain connecting us to the enemy to be broken in the name of Jesus. As the church declared blessings and breakthrough in their lives, we rejoiced unto His Holy name while our dynamic worship team led us in joyous praise and heavenly worship (I’ve got my mind made up), (Ancient of days), (Because of who you are), (Jesus at the center).

“When your heart is free, whatever you confess shall come to pass”, this is the glorious revelation that was shared through our Man of God, Healing Evangelist JK Fenuku, as he began the sharing of the Word. The congregation was taught an eye-opening lesson as we heard the sermon. When we come to church it shows that we have faith to be healed, delivered, blessed and saved but that is only 50% of what we need to do to receive what God has in store for us. The other 50% comes from being obedient to his Word and instructions. For your blessings, deliverance and breakthrough to manifest in your life you need to take God’s word as it is and obey wholeheartedly.

As always, our teaching was proven through scripture (2 Kings 5 vs 1-4) and (2 Kings 5 vs 9-14). We were taken to the story of Naaman and how his leprosy was healed. Naaman had the faith to make the journey to visit Elisha for his healing. This reflects us as children of God having faith to attend church. Although Naaman had put in plenty effort to arrive at Elisha’s door, he was not happy with the instruction that God gave him through Elisha. He preferred his own way over the way of the Lord. The same goes for us today, many lose out of their breakthrough because they want things their way.

It was the servant of Naaman who encouraged him to take Elisha’s instruction seriously and that had led him to receive his healing. Who are the people that are influencing and advising you? The people around you can determine whether you receive your breakthrough or not.

“Not all good ideas are God given ideas.” The Man of God spoke these words which taught us that the advice we receive from those around us needs to be given by God in order to be fruitful in our lives, thus showing how important it is to have anointed people around us.

As we also took reading from (John 5 vs 5-6), we learnt that not everyone wants to be healed, blessed or saved. Those who do make an effort. Prayer alone will not bring what you are looking for. Prayer only changes you by increasing your faith, it is that faith that will bring forth what you are looking for. When we doubt God, it becomes evident that we are not spending enough time with Him. In order to receive we need to do as God asks and act on what He has said!


Mass Prayer

That enemy assigned to steal from me and my family, I command you out in the name of Jesus!

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