about us

“Everyone has a calling. If you follow the direction of your calling, you will surprise yourself, you will astonish yourself – you will make a difference in your world.”


LET THERE BE PEACE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY, has gone through different stages in the ministry. Each stage served a purpose! Before the beginning of the ministry to our present stage, LTBPIM has had previous locations. The first church moved because the flat tenants were complaining about the church, the second church was moved because it was one of the member’s house while the third church also we were removed from the school premises. The fourth church removed because of the National shutdown due covid. Shall we say all these happened without God’s knowledge? No. In every situation, God is still saying something. Today, LTBPIM is located in Hibberdene South Africa.

There is an unseen hand in the affairs of every man of faith. God is the unseen hand that brings everything to pass.

As a Christian, whatever situation you are in, do a proper reflection. I mean sit down and reflect on life itself and you will discover that nothing happens for nothing, nothing comes by chance.

LET THERE BE PEACE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY, did not just come by chance – it was as it should be by divine will. Right from the start, God Almighty has been the divine driver behind our fortunes and the inspiration behind the whole set up.

We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge how He has intervened in our affairs all the way long. If God had not overcome for us, there would be no need to tell this story.

LET THERE BE PEACE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY (LTBPIM) is a Non-Profit Organisation Church (NPO 292-831) founded by God through Mr J.K. Fenuku. In the year of 2018 on the 30th of March the first meeting was held at Mr J.K. Fenuku’s house. It was not a Church service. The people who were present in the meeting were the leaders of the Church. The purpose of the meeting was for the Servant of God to let the people know about God’s calling on his life, and that he has finally accepted God’s plan. He showed the people a video of a Prophetess of God by the name of Valery McLelland who prophesied to him in the year 2007 about what God wants to do through him in the future. He also delegated different leadership roles, with the guidance of God.                                                  

The Word of God says, “Where there is no vision the people perish” and we are grateful to God as the family of Let There Be Peace International Ministry for giving us a vision so that we do not walk according to our own ways but His way. God let us know that the vision of Let There Be Peace International Ministry is to bring all men to Jesus Christ and declare the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ. We are witnesses of our LORD Jesus Christ.

He also told us the mission. The mission of Let There Be Peace International Ministry is to go around preaching and teaching the Word of God as well as to share the life and love of our LORD Jesus Christ. Let There Be Peace International Ministry is here to preach Christianity and not religion.



God has set a time for everything: a time to be born, a time to grow, a time to face persecution, a time to overcome and a time to show the proceeds of victory.

If you look at life, you would see that everything big starts little. A mighty cathedral starts with one brick. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. You were once a tiny embryo in your mother’s womb, but today, see how big you have become.

A Christian home does not come by luck. It is not a thing of chance or accident. You don’t just find yourself in it; it is something you have through conscious effort or genuine willingness. So also, Let There Be Peace International Ministry that you see today did not just happen by chance, it was a journey ordained, led and driven by the HOLY SPIRIT.


God ordered His servant to inform the Church members to fast and pray for 7 days before the first Sunday service is held. His servant and the church obeyed as God ordered. After the fasting, the first service of Let There Be Peace International Ministry was held on the 8th of April 2018 at Sister Mapule’s place in Glenwood at 8am as God had instructed.  


The Bible says in the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 17 that in the last day God said He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and people will prophesy, they will see visions and dream dreams.  Brother Joseph and Sister Pearl shared similar dreams where there each saw the church giving people clothes. This vision given by God was fulfilled on the 22nd of April 2018, when our Man of God received clothes from the family of his spiritual father who had just passed on.


There is nothing that is done in Let There Be Peace International Ministry without God’s direction. God told his servant that he should make Golf Shirts for the members of our church and He showed His Servant the design. This was confirmed when Sister Pearl received dreams from the Holy Spirt also showing her the same design of Golf Shirts.


We continued to receive revelations from God, this was another one received by Sister Pearl, God said the first month offering of the Church should be used for charity. On the 28th of April 2018, Brother Lenny and Sister Luella bought groceries for an orphanage home at Kwadabeka New Germany. This was the first outreach work of Let There Be Peace International Ministry.



After a month and a week of church services at Sister Mapule’s flat there was complaints of noise from the neighbours, this forced the church to seek alternate premises. By the Grace of God, we were blessed to use Brother Lenny and Sister Luella’s home in Chatsworth Havenside. The first service at their premises was held on the 13th of May 2018.  


We serve a God of miracles, signs and wonders, on the 05th of June 2018 at 9:30am, Man of God was in his prayer room. He was sitting down when he saw 2 angels approaching him, he sat there in shock. They came closer and just entered his heart, from this day forward we were given blessed assurance that anything Man of God says is coming straight from the Throne Room of Heaven and straight from God himself.


In the month of December God put a wonderful desire in Brother Lenny’s heart, which he shared with the church. A desire to cook and feed homeless people on Christmas Day. The church obeyed God’s voice and prepared to carry forth the God given task. Brother Lwando and Sister Mapule sought out various shelters that offer homeless people a night to stay at a cost, they then informed these establishments of our desire to the feed the homeless.

On Christmas morning 2018, our church members gathered in Chatsworth to cook and bake for 120 people. Our team dished the food into containers and together with the biscuits and drinks packed it into the cars heading to Durban Central where the two different shelters were situated. One of them was the SISCO Organization. It was a blessing to feed these less fortunate people on a special day under the guidance of God and by the Grace of God, our team was also able to feed homeless people who were not in the shelters.



God is a loving and a caring God, in the book of James he has instructed us to visit orphans. On the

1st of January 2019, Brother Lwando had a dream where he saw our Church giving stationary in a school. Brother Lwando’s dream was confirmed when Sister Pearl had a similar dream. God was truly working in an amazing way!!! Even though we did not know how we would carry forth God’s instruction due to financial constraints we heeded God’s request. Amazingly, God provided, and it was done.

On the 15th of March 2019 Sister Luella, Sister Mapule and Brother Lwando delivered the stationary to an organization called the Durban Child and Youth Care Centre.


God never stopped speaking and guiding His people of Let There Peace International Ministry. Brother Lwando had a dream where he saw our LORD Jesus wearing a rope covered and soaked in blood as it is said in the book of Revelations chapter 19 verse 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God”. A few weeks had passed, Man of God confirmed that God was        showing Brother Lwando the sticker of Let There Be Peace International Ministry. On the 14th of April 2019 every member of Let There Be Peace International Ministry received a sticker.


IT is so wonderful to be in a place where God is the one directing you, those are the words of our servant of God Jacob Fenuku. God told His servant that they needed to find a place of worship, after searching for weeks and months, on the 14th of July 2019 a service was held at Coastal College in Umbilo. The building was blue and white as revealed to Brother Lwando in a dream. This was the first place of gathering and fellowship that was open to the public. The following week God blessed us with a classroom at Coastal College to gather and worship.


Once again God revealed to Sister Pearl that we needed to cook and feed the homeless.

On the 03rd of August 2019 we gathered as a team in Chatsworth to prepare the meal in obedience to God’s directing. The food bottled water and cooldrink was packaged and ready to be distributed by our team. We blessed a lot of hungry homeless people on South Beach and at the Harbour.

It was a blessed day indeed!


2019 was a year full of personal challenges for the members of Let Be There Peace International Ministry. However, they all had to remain faithful Christians regardless, meaning they had to be steadfast in God and obey Him no matter circumstances they faced.

In our church our only instrument for praise and worship was a guitar played by

Mr Joseph Pablo who was a faithful child of God, the husband of Sister Gloria Pablo and the father of Buhle Pablo, Nkosinathi Pablo and Zoe Pablo. He was our band leader, it was a great blow when he suddenly passed away on the 28th of August 2019. He was a good Brother, a faithful church member and was dearly loved by all.


Costal College commenced their final examinations in November 2019 and the end of the exams brought the end of the educational year. This meant that we could no longer access the premises. On the 24th of November 2019 we went back to fellowshipping at Brother Lenny and Sister Luella’s house in Chatsworth. 


On the 15th of December 2019 Man of God had a powerful vision re-affirming our church name. In his vision God said “I will give you a Map of Africa”, he was first given a small map of Africa, then the voice of God said he will be given a big Map of Africa, when God gave Pastor the Big Map He said “this is the latest Map of Africa”.


As we drew closer to the end of the year it was decided that Let There Be Peace International Ministry would feed the homeless on Christmas Day every year. However, in this year of 2019 some of our families were going to other parts of the country to spend the festive season with their families, therefore it was decided that the outreach work be done on the 16th of December 2019. The family of Let There Be Peace International Ministry gathered at Chatsworth in the early hours of the morning and cooked a hot meal for 200 people. The team then proceeded to South Beach to feed the less fortunate



By the grace of God most of our families of Let There Be Peace International Ministry returned home safely. On the night of the 31st of December 2019, we gathered at Man of God’s house in Westville and had a powerful service of worship, gratitude and prayer. By the instruction of the Holy Spirit everyone wore white and carried a lit candle. 


The following year 2020 the Church continued holding Church services at Chatsworth in Brother Lenny and Sister Luella’s place. As there was an agreement made with Coastal College and rental was paid, we returned to have our Sunday services when the educational sector re-opened. To our dismay without any explanation, we were denied access to the premises.


Unfortunately, we could no longer fellowship together on a Sunday until we could find premises. While the family of Let There be Peace International Ministry was at home Man of God continued to send a Word from God via text messages.


The search for a place to fellowship continued and then God blessed His children with a classroom at the UKZN campus called Howard College. On the 1st of March 2020 we had our first Sunday service at Howard College. It was an amazing service when we all gathered in one accord again.

Unfortunately, due to the Corona virus outbreak which led to the national lockdown that restricted church gatherings, the Church had its last gathering at Howard College on the 15th of March 2020.During the national lockdown, our Man of God would send a Word from God to the Church along with prayer points via text messages. When the President announced that the corona virus cases where decreasing, and that people can now gather but still follow the government covid protocols.


Then Man of God invited anyone from Church who would like to join him on a midnight prayer on the last Friday of every month. Mid-night prayer services started from the 25th of September 2020. The people who were present gathered outside at Westville Prison’s playground.


Man of God was called into ministry by the Holy Spirit on three different occasions. Therefore this was now the first gathering after the Man of God had decided to accept his calling and he resigned from his employment to go into full time ministry as led by the HOLY SPIRIT.



God spoke to His child the following month, in a vision instructing him to buy groceries and give it to the needy. In October 2020 the Man of God along with his friend Mr Bheki Zuma and Brother Vuyo, went to a semirural area called Lindalani and gave groceries to 23 families in the area. The families were very joyous and blessed.



In the month November 2020, we resumed gatherings. This time the family of Let There Be Peace International Ministry gathered at Westville, in Pastor’s house. Man of God had just come out of a period of fasting and prayer. Our first gathering was powerful as our chosen Man of God explained that the fasting was to humble him to be used in the kingdom of God.


We were getting closer and closer to the month of December more especially Christmas and we all were waiting excitedly. Just a week before the special day God touched the heart of our Man of God and asked him to do something amazing.

It was on the 18th of December 2020 when our Man of God, Sister Mapule and Brother Lwando went to visit a 102-year-old Gogo by the surname of MaRadebe at UMzimkhulu. The team took groceries with them, and Gogo was very happy and in return she prayed and pronounced a blessing over Man of God as he knelt down.


The day we were all waiting for finally arrived. Through Man of God, we were instructed by God to all wear our church Golf shirts. This year by the grace of God we prepared a hot meal for 300 people and handed it out with water and cooldrinks.



The following year 2021 Let There Be Peace International Ministry was turning three years old by the Grace of God. The first service of Let There Be Peace International Ministry was held on the

8th of April 2018, therefore the Man of God felt that it will be great to celebrate the three years in April. And it happened on the 11th of April 2021. The Church had a glorious celebration at the Man of God’s house in Westville. All glory be to God in Jesus Name.

Shallcross Secondary School

Man of God is always travelling to different places around Durban and to other provinces, he goes to different individuals and families, and he is used by God to bring salvation and deliverance to people’s lives. For those who need healing Jesus heals them, those who need deliverance Jesus delivers them and those who need a breakthrough in their lives Jesus comes through for them. And the Man of God has been looking for a place for to gather as there are many people who now want to fellowship at Let There Peace International Ministry. The good LORD commanded the Man of GOD that the Church should look for land for the Church this year. In obedience to GOD’S word the Church started looking for land. In 2021 and 2022 Man of GOD had meetings with Chief’s as well as Estate agents to secure the land to carry forth the vision given by God.

Due to the increasing number of people desiring to fellowship at Let There Be Peace International Ministry, the church has been going out looking for temporary places to fellowship. The targeted places have been schools. On the 10th of June Man of GOD, Sister Pearl and Brother Lwando went to 11 different schools and 3 were available

Glory be to God Let There Be Peace International Ministry now has a place to fellowship and worship. One of the three schools, Shallcross Secondary School has allowed the Church to enter the school premises and use the school hall for Church gatherings every Sunday.Starting from the 1st of August 2021. Since then, our congregation has grown to approximately 70 people of different races and backgrounds fellowshipping and working together as one family connected by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Our Praise and Worship team has grown tremendously by the grace and mercy of God and through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We have a full team of intercessors that stand in the gap for our people, community and country.

Our Hospitality team continues our outreach work by providing a hot meal to the matric students of Shallcross Secondary School every Saturday, most of them come from a disadvantaged backgrounds and look forward to being blessed with this meal. We continually support families that are facing hard times with food hampers. We have been continuing to fulfil our commitment of spending Christmas Day feeding the less fortunate increasing the numbers every year.

We know the Bible tells us that children are dear to God’s heart, we have put up a Basketball net to keep the youth and children busy on a Saturday. One of our members has started offering tuitions to our kids as well.

At Let There Be Peace International Ministry our main goal as the Family of God is to show love so that people may see Christ through us. Man of God is always putting together activities such as Family Day to bring us all closer together united as one Body of Christ.

Our Mission

Is to go round to preach Jesus Christ, Is to go round to preach Christianity, Is to go round to share the life and the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let There Be Peace International Ministry is here to preach Christianity and not Religion.

Our Vision

Is to bring all men to Jesus Christ, Is to declare the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.